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ein kleines Code-Snippet für alle, die die XOR-Funktion verstehen wollen
#cs Coding by --------------------- The functions --------------------- #ce ; Nand Function Func nand($a, $b) Return BitNOT(BitAnd($a, $b)) EndFunc ; XOR Function Func xor($a, $b) Return nand(nand($a, nand($a, $b)), nand($b, nand($a,$b))) EndFunc #cs --------------------- Proof of Concept: my xor function returns the same stuff as the Built-in XOR function --------------------- #ce If xor(0xAB, 0xBC) == BitXor(0xAB, 0xBC) Then ; horray, it works! ConsoleWrite("Congratz Bro, you coded a XOR function :D" & @CRLF) Else ; this will never happen ConsoleWrite("Sorry, but you suck!" & @CRLF) EndIf
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